BC Commercial leading indicator points to strong growth ahead
The BCREA Commercial L eading I ndicator (CLI ) continued to trend higher in the second quarter
of 2012, rising 0.8 points to 112.6 from a revised level of 111.8 in the first quarter. On a year-over-year basis, the CLI is now 3.7 per cent above its level in the second quarter of 2011.
“The trend in the CLI continues to signal strong growth in the BC commercial real estate market,”
said Brendon Ogmundson, BCREA Economist. “The CLI’s trend has continued with a steep rise
from early 2011, reflecting a
pick-up in employment numbers
as well as calmer financial
market conditions.”
This quarter’s increase in
the CLI was driven entirely by
the employment and financial
components of the index while
some economic activity measure,
such as retail sales, have
trended lower.
“As global economic fears
quiet down and the BC economy
continues to produce stronger
job growth, we expect to
see improvements in economic
activity,” added Ogmundson.
To view the full BCREA Commercial Leading Indicator index, visit
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